The Keswick Island Art Trail successfully launched on Sunday 31 July 2022 as a fringe event in the Mackay Festival of Arts. The day got off to a blustery start with high seas & strong winds making the trip for 40 VIPS in Wildcat Mackay a little rocky. Luckily, the crew on board were very helpful with the guests that chose to brave the conditions. Thankfully, the weather improved as the day progressed with the sun coming out to warm the hearts of the 65 people gathered to celebrate the opening.

Residents were thrilled to have the Yuwibara custodians, George & Bernie Tonga, attend with George carrying out a smoking ceremony and welcome to country for the first time.

Project Coordinator, Eva Browne-Paterson, welcomed the guests and thanked the funding bodies, sponsors, artists, and volunteers involved in the project. “This wouldn’t have been possible without the participation of the vibrant community here on Keswick Island,” she said.

Although a dual officiation was planned with Amanda Camm and Mayor Greg Williamson, unfortunately Amanda was unable to attend on the day due to sickness. Mackay Mayor Greg Williamson was most gracious in his speech and cut the ribbon with the help of the Project Coordinator, Art Director Lesley Kane and emerging artist Brian Browne-Paterson.

The guests visited the art trail winding down 1km across Keswick Island and came back with glowing reviews about the artworks. Many fell in love with the natural beauty of the island, which can only be truly appreciated in person.

Lunch was served by Kardomah Café with delicious desserts provided by Raw Gems Mackay. The guests were entertained in the sunshine by Anette Worthington Music and Carl Stanojevic, from Mackay Seen photographed the event.

Many of the guests wanted to remain on Keswick Island, but took the trip back after being farewelled in Egremont Passage by 3 whales! A lot of fun was had on the return trip with dancing and singing, and many plan to come back again with their families before the art trail closes at the end of September.

The album of the launch day photos are available to view at the Keswick Island Art Trail Facebook page here.

📸 Mackay Seen